- Models of Early Childhood Education
- School Administrator's Guide to Early Childhood Programs (High/Scope Educational Research Foundation)
- Changed Lives: The Effects of the Perry Preschool Program on Youths Through Age 19 (Monographs of the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, No. 8)
- Young Children Grow Up: The Effects of the Perry Preschool Program on Youths Through Age 15 (Monographs of the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, No. 7)
- Significant Benefits: The High/Scope Perry Preschool Study Through Age 27 (Monographs of the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, No 10)
- EllynAnne Geisel
- Susie Ghahremani
- Barbara Kilarski
- Anne K. Soderman
- Deb Curtis
- Margie Carter
- William Ayers
- Brett L. Markham
- Judith A. Schickedanz
- Rae Pica
- Joseph J. Caruso
- Sarah Herman
- Sandra J. Norman
- Karrie K. Andes
- Jennie D'Amato
- Celia Anita Decker
- Gayle T. Tate
- Michelle Graves
- Paul D. Houston
- Lewis A. Randolph