- Potions, Herbs, Oils and Brews: Wicca Potions, Wiica Herbs, Wicca Oils and Wicca Brews for The Solitary Wiccan Practitioner
- Wicca 101: A New Reference for the Beginner Wiccan: Wicca, Witchcraft, and Paganism: A Solitary Guide for the New Wiccan: Solitary Study for a Beginner: The New Practitioner of Wicca and Witchcraft
- Wicca, the Elements and Magick: The Guide for Natural Magick: Natural Magick and Wicca
- Herbalism: A Complete Reference Guide to Frequently used Magickal Herbs, and Spices
- The Goddess Book: Understanding the Greek Goddesses of the Earth
- A.J. Drew
- Arin Murphy-Hiscock
- Pauline Wills
- Brandy Williams
- Jennifer Hunter
- Estelle Daniels
- Thea Sabin
- Paul Tuitéan
- Debora Yost
- Willow Polson
- Deborah Lipp
- Timothy Roderick
- Mark Ventimiglia
- Richard & Jan Potter
- Selena Eilidh Ash
- Bharat B. Aggarwal
- Azrael Arynn K
- Stanley J.A. Modrzyk
- Tabatha Jennings
- Lexa Olick