- The Art of Fly Tying (The Hunting & Fishing Library)
- Fishing Nymphs, Wet Flies & Streamers, Subsurface Techniques for Trout in Streams
- Fly-Fishing Equipment & Skills (The Hunting & Fishing Library)
- Trout Fishing in the Pacific Northwest: Skills & Strategies for Trout Anglers in Washington, Oregon, Alaska & British Columbia
- Trout: The Complete Guide to Catching Trout with Flies, Artificial Lures and Live Bait (The Freshwater Angler)
- Ken Favaro
- Dominic Dodd
- John Scharlemann
- Ronald G. Davis
- Herbert Mayer
- Editors In-fisherman
- Michael D. Shook
- Linda Ellinor
- David H. Treichler
- Andrew Armitage
- Oswald C.J. Hoffmann
- Pavel Uhorskai
- Glenna Gerard
- C.E. Vulliamy
- Stephen Utz
- Howard Goldberg
- Ronald J. Schlegel
- Marie Antoinette Moore
- Bérengère Abraham
- Marie-José Jarry