$8.69 - $47.41
The Iliad and the Odyssey for boys and girls (Illustrated): Easy to Read Layout
$8.69 - $25.46
Homeri opera. Tomus II Iliadis XIII-XXIV continens
$22.19 - $89.62
The Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer (Volume 3)
$24.73 - $36.95
Flaxman's Illustrations to Homer (Dover art collections)
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The Illustrations for Dante's Divine Comedy
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The Odyssey of Homer
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The Odyssey, Tr. By A. Pope. To Which Is Added, The Battle Of The Frogs And Mice
$30.95 - $36.95
John Flaxman: Mythologie u. Industrie : Kunst um 1800 [Hamburger Kunsthalle, 20. April-30. Mai 1979 : e. Ausstellung d. British Council u. d. Hamburger Kunsthalle (German Edition)
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Compositions of John Flaxman, Sculptor: Being Designs in Illustration of the Iliad of Homer
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Lectures On Sculpture: As Delivered Before the President and Members of the Royal Academy
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Lectures On Sculpture: As Delivered Before the President and Members of the Royal Academy
The Iliad and Odyssey; Volume 1
The Odyssey of Homer: Translated by Alexander Pope, to Which are Added the Battle of the Frogs and Mice
Stories From Homer
$24.95 - $36.95
The Story of the Odyssey, Or the Adventures of Ulysses: For Boys and Girls
The Odyssey of Homer: Translated by Alexander Pope, to Which are Added the Battle of the Frogs and Mice
The Iliad and Odyssey; Volume 1
Select Compositions from Dante's Divine Drama
Composizioni ... Concernenti La Divina Commedia Di Dante Alighieri. 3pt...
La Divina Comedia Di Danti Alighieri Cioe L'Inferno, Il Purgatorio, Ed Il Paradiso, Inciso Da T. Piroli. [Cm.19x24]....
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Atlante Dantesco...
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Lectures on Sculptures
The Story of the Odyssey, Or the Adventures of Ulysses: For Boys and Girls
$13.25 - $28.95
Lectures On Sculpture
$17.70 - $39.95
Compositions of John Flaxman, Sculptor: Being Designs in Illustration of the Iliad of Homer
$24.95 - $36.95
John Flaxman, R.A: [catalogue of an exhibition]
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Lectures on Sculpture. with a Brief Mem. of the Author
Latin and Italian Poems of Milton Translated Into English Verse, and a Fragment of a Commentary on Paradise Lost, by William Cowper, Esqr.: With a Preface
J. Flaxmani Picturae Lineares Ad Homeri Odysseam
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