- Business Organization and Finance: Legal and Economic Principles (Concepts and Insights) (Concepts & Insights)
- Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials (University Casebook)
- Federal Securities Laws: Selected Statutes, Rules and Forms
- Gatekeepers: The Role of the Professions in Corporate Governance (Clarendon Lectures in Management Studies (Hardcover))
- Cases and Materials on Corporations (Law School Casebook Series)
- William A. Klein
- Thomas L. Greaney
- Richard D. Freer
- Sandra H. Johnson
- Robert R. Moeller
- Thomas Lee Hazen
- Al Norman
- Patrick J. Cihon
- Stanley Siegel
- Steven A. Bank
- Harry Glasbeek
- Jeffrey D. Bauman
- Kirk J. Stark
- Henry Weihofen
- Valerie P. Hans
- Joel Seligman
- Kathleen F. Brickey
- Hillary A. Sale
- Ronald J. Gilson
- Michael B. Bixby