- Living in Balance: A Dynamic Approach for Creating Harmony & Wholeness in a Chaotic World
- The Fine Arts of Relaxation, Concentration & Meditation, Revised: Ancient Skills for Modern Minds
- Mindfulness, Meditation and Mind Fitness
- Living in Balance: A Mindful Guide for Thriving in a Complex World
- A Moment to Relax: Stress Relief in Minutes
- Michelle Levey
- Elizabeth O. Colton
- David R. Kauss
- Elizabeth Bergmann
- Martha Smock
- M. Griss
- Daniel L. Kohut
- Gary E. Hurst
- Rick Benzel
- John Randall Sachs
- P. Jonsson
- Barry Tesar
- Lindsay Collier
- Susan Manos
- Romney Oualline Nesbitt
- Richard Heckler
- Ellen Denise Junious
- ariah Burton Nelson
- Geoff Colvin
- Koretoshi Maruyama