- Creating Welcoming Schools: A Practical Guide to Home-School Partnerships with Diverse Families
- Class Actions: Teaching for Social Justice in Elementary and Middle School (Practitioner Inquiry Series)
- Engaging Families: Connecting Home and School Literacy Communities
- Literacy in the Welcoming Classroom: Creating Family-School Partnerships That Support Student Learning
- Approaches to Language and Literacy Research
- Catherine Bly Cox
- James O. Morton
- M. Winston Egan
- James Lehman
- Peggy A. Ertmer
- Rocío Zucchi
- Ronald Pirayoff
- Chris Oxlande
- Vernice "Flygirl" Armour
- Timothy J. Newby
- Jeffrey S. Levinton
- Karen Mantyla
- Nell K. Duke
- James Russell
- Peter Sacks
- Elaine Strong Skill
- Morton
- Susan Bennett-Armistead
- Annie M. Moses
- Gronlund, Norman E. Gronlund, Norman E.