- Runner's World Guide to Adventure Racing: How to Become a Successful Racer and Adventure Athlete (Runners World)
- The Cruthin: A History of the Ulster Land and People
- Bangor light of the world
- The Essential guide to Timex/Sinclair home computers: The only book you'll ever need to become an expert at the Timex/Sinclair 1000 and 2000 (A Touchstone book)
- The Ulster People - Ancient, Medieval, and Modern
- Neil Barron
- Walther Kirchner
- Michael C. Staudinger
- Tom Rodgers
- Ann L. Weber
- Peter K. Mcinerney
- Matthew Balent
- J.M.W. Turner
- Stephen D. Casler
- Harold J. Schultz
- Judith A.V. Harlan
- Jay P. Anglin
- Architects Adventure
- J. Michael Allen
- Mike Breault
- Dave Brohman
- Michael Cheilik
- John R. Barber
- Andrew Pessin
- Ray Aldridge