Folklore from the Adirondack Foothills
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Joseph Brant (Thayendaneagea), Mohawk Indian War Chief
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Liturgy Explained
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Tales From The Adirondack Foothills
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The Singing Hills
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Drugs to Market (Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitive Strategy) (Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitive Strategy) ... Entrepreneurship and Competitive Strategy)
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Trenton Falls, yesterday & today.
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Food and the Literary Imagination
The Molecular Life of Plants
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The Business School in the Twenty-First Century: Emergent Challenges and New Business Models
Human Capital and Global Business Strategy
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Africa: The Management Education Challenge
Corporate Strategy, Public Policy and New Technologies (Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitive Strategy) (Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship ... Entrepreneurship and Competitiv
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Red Rising: The Transcendent Paintings Of Howard Thomas
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Creating a New Management University: Tracking the Strategy of Singapore Management University (Smu) in Singapore (1997-2019/20)
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Leading a Business School
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Simplicity from Complexity: Master Doing Less to Achieve More
Black River in the North Country
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Handbook of Strategy and Management
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Practical Risk Analysis: An Approach Through Case Histories
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The Touch of The Master's Hand
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Tai Chi Training In China
Process and Experience in the Language Classroom
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Strategic Renaissance and Business Transformation