- A New Era in Chemistry: Some of the More Important Developments in General Chemistry During the Last Quarter of a Century
- The Electrical Conductivity, Dissociation, and Temperature Coefficients of Conductivity From Zero to Sixty-five Degrees of Aqueous Solutions of a Number of Salts and Organic Acids
- The Absorption Spectra of Solutions as Studied by Means of the Radiomicrometer. The Conductivities, Dissociations, and Viscosities of Solutions of Electrolytes in Aqueous, Non-aqueous, and Mixed Solve
- Hydrates in Aqueous Solution. Evidence for the Existence of Hydrates in Solution, Their Approximate Composition, and Certain Spectroscopic Investigations Bearing Upon the Hydrate Problem
- Studies on Solution in Its Relation to Light Absorption, Conductivity, Viscosity, and Hydrolysis; a Report Upon a Number of Experimental Investigations Carried out in the Laboratory of the Late Profes