- Can I Say: Living Large, Cheating Death, and Drums, Drums, Drums
- McU: The Rise of Marvel Studios
- The Tao of Bill Murray: Real-Life Stories of Joy, Enlightenment, and Party Crashing
- Kindness and Wonder: Why Mister Rogers Matters Now More Than Ever
- Last Night at the Viper Room: River Phoenix and The Hollywood He Left Behind
- Andy Blackman Hurwitz
- Celia Brand
- Bill Brooks
- Lance Loveday
- James L. Medoff
- Lanny R. Ream
- William H. Durham
- Bob Meehan
- James Corcoran
- Christine Pearson
- George Caspar Homans
- Ritch Duncan
- Zak, Diane L. Zak, Diane L.
- L.A. Bryan
- Roslyn Banish
- Hal Hinderliter
- Victor Sen Yung
- Jack Tworkov
- Robert Gene Baker
- Christine Porath