Funk & Wagnalls
#24 in Catalogs & Directories
- Charlie Brown's 'Cyclopedia Vol. 15 Featuring Electricity and Magetism
- Charlie Brown's 'Cyclopedia Vol. 1 Featuring Your Body
- Administrative Law: Examples and Explanations (The Examples & Explanations Series)
- Charlie Brown's 'Cyclopedia Vol. 14 Featuring Sound, Light and Air
- Charlie Brown's 'Cyclopedia Vol. 2 Featuring All Kinds of Animals from Fish to Frogs
- Pija Lindenbaum
- Daniel J. Porter
- Mark T. Mattson
- John Collins
- Christy Maganzini
- Anne Christie
- Lorraine-Marie Gatto
- Donald Samson
- Jim Nollman
- Barbara Feinberg
- R. Smith Kiliper
- Melanie Borgenicht
- Tetsuya Honda
- Mark B. Thogmartin
- Mark Bockenhauer
- Deborah Funk
- Douglas H. Easer Easer
- Laurent Lemerle
- Emerald Books
- Todd Davis