- Is This Normal?: Girls' Questions, Answered by the Editors of the Care & Keeping of You
- A Smart Girl's Guide: Getting It Together: How to Organize Your Space, Your Stuff, Your Time--And Your Life
- American Girl Character Encyclopedia
- The Legend of the Shark Goddess: A Nanea Mystery
- American Girl: Ultimate Visual Guide: A Celebration of the American Girl(r) Story
- Ali Douglass
- Glenn Murphy
- Laurie Zelinger
- Harold W. Stevenson
- Laurie Flannery
- Andrea Fragelli
- Andrea F. Phillips
- America Needs Fatima
- Baruti K. Kafele
- Raya Burstein
- Diane Heiman
- Susan Miho Nunes
- Judy Truesdell Mecca
- Leanne Kitchen
- J. Ed Komoszewski
- Mark Schubert
- Kathy H. Lee
- Evan Skolnick
- Gordon B. Brown
- Steven Fuller