- Annotations Upon the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1906
- The Supreme Court ACT R. S., C. 139 (1906) as Amended by 3-4 Geo. V, C. 51; 4-5 Geo. V, C. 15; 7-8 Geo. V, C. 23; 8-9 Geo. V, C. 7. Practice and Rules
- The Supreme Court ACT R.S. C. 139 (1906) Practice and Rules with References to All the Decisions of the Court Dealing with Its Practice and Jurisprude
- The Law of Fire Insurance in Canada, with a Complete Analysis of the Jurisprudence and of the Statute Law of the Dominion
- The Canadian Constitution, as Interpreted by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Its Judgments. Together with a Collection of All the Decisions of the Judicial Committee Which Deal Therewit