- Planning Local Economic Development: Theory and Practice
- Fortress America: Gated Communities in the United States
- Managing Urban Disaster Recovery: Policy, Planning, Concepts and Cases
- My Storm: Managing the Recovery of New Orleans in the Wake of Katrina
- Resilient Coastal City Regions: Planning for Climate Change in the United States and Australia
- David Squire
- Kevin Lynch
- Stephen C. Smith
- Howard P. Chudacoff
- Michael P. Todaro
- Alan Bryman
- Gary Paul Green
- Steve Cafferty
- James R. Clark
- Judith E. Smith
- Anthony James Catanese
- Nelda P. Matheny
- Richard Wilson Harris
- Christopher Rex Bryant
- Alastair H. Fitter
- Peter Wolf
- Rutherford H. Platt
- Lorne H. Russwurm
- James A. Clapp
- Ernest Erber