- Basic Tort Law: Cases, Statutes, and Problems: Cases, Statutes, and Problems
- The Law of Intellectual Property
- Cases and Materials on Law and Economics
- Statistical Evidence in Litigation: Methodology, Procedure, and Practice
- Considerations for the Maneuver Commander: Could the Emergence of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Spell the Demise of the Army's Rah-66 Comanche in the Armed
- Robert L. Rabin
- Peter S. Menell
- John T. Cross
- Robert P. Merges
- Bryan Nylin
- Mark A. Lemley
- Sylvia A. Law
- Linda S. Mullenix
- Sara Rosenbaum
- Rand E. Rosenblatt
- John E. Sexton
- Dubber, Markus D. Dubber, Markus D.
- Ian Dowbiggin
- John P. Dwyer
- Lars Noah
- Anthony J. Sebok
- Helen Hershkoff
- J. Fiesta
- John C.P. Goldberg
- Anne Crossfield