- Natural Life: Thoreau's Worldly Transcendentalism
- At Home and Abroad: The Transcendental Landscapes of Christopher Pearce Cranch (1813-1892)
- Closeted Writing And Lesbian And Gay Literature: Classical, Early Modern, Eighteenth-century
- World of Relations: The Achievement of Peter Taylor
- Emerson and the Conduct of Life: Pragmatism and Ethical Purpose in the Later Work (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture)
- Ze-Lin Chen
- Nelson W. Polsby
- Emma Restall Orr
- Ioan Petru Culianu
- Anne Ross
- Lesley Tierra
- Joseph Epes Brown
- Hilary S. Wiesner
- Kathleen M. Sullivan
- Don Robins
- J.T. Kent
- G.K. Guennel
- Michael Meyerson
- Wolfgang G. Jilek
- Michael C. Moore
- Joel K. Goldstein
- Lynda J. Moore
- Dan Bensky
- Norman Redlich
- Kent James Tyler