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Jewish Antiquities: Or, A Course of Lectures on the Three First Books of Godwin's Moses and Aaron. T
Ehren Gedächtniß Des ... Isaac Watts: Eine Leichenrede
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An Introduction to the Use of the Globes, and the Orery: Also, the Application of Astronomy To Chronology ... Adapted To the Instruction and Entertain
An Introduction to the Use of the Globes, and the Orery: Also, the Application of Astronomy To Chronology ... Adapted To the Instruction and ... Science. With an Appendix, Attempting To
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The origin of death, and of immortal life, considered, in a sermon occasioned by the death of the Reverend Mr. Daniel Neal, ... With some brief memoirs of his life and character. By David Jennings.
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Sermons Upon Various Subjects: Preached To Young People On New Years Days
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Success from God alone, and the vanity of human endeavours without his blessing: considered in a sermon preached at a time of solemn prayer, on ... at Dr. Guyse's Meeting-House December, 1745
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A sermon occasioned by the death of the late Reverend Isaac Watts, D.D. Preached to the congregation of which he was pastor. December 11. 1748. By ... oration at his interment. By Samuel Chandler.
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The beauty and benefit of early piety; represented in several sermons, preached to young people, on New-Years Days, ... By David Jennings, D.D. The fourth edition.
The Scripture testimony examined and confirmed by plain arguments: or, an appeal to reason and common sense for the truth of the Holy Scriptures. In ... By David Jennings, D.D. A new edition.
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Jewish Antiquities V2: Or A Course Of Lectures On The Three First Books Of Godwin's Moses And Aaron
An introduction to the use of the globes, and the orrery: as also the application of astronomy to chronology, ... With an appendix, ... By David Jennings, D.D.
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Christian preaching, and ministerial service. Considered in a sermon preached at St. Ives, in Huntingtonshire, at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. ... a charge delivered on the same occasion
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A funeral sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Watts, of Stratford. ... By David Jennings, D.D.
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A sermon preach'd to the Societies for Reformation of Manners, at Salters-Hall, on Monday, June 27th, 1737. By David Jennings.
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A Vindication of the Scripture-Doctrine of Original Sin: From Mr. Taylor's Free and Candid Examination of It
An introduction to the knowledge of medals. By the late Rev. David Jennings, D.D. The second edition.
An introduction to the use of the globes, and the orrery: also, the application of astronomy to chronology; ... With an appendix, ... By David Jennings, D.D. The third edition.
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Behold the desolations in the earth! A sermon preached at Crosby-Square, Nov. 30. 1721. A time of solemn prayer, on occasion of the plague in France. By David Jennings.
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