DARYNDA JONES lives in the Land of Enchantment, also known as New Mexico, with her husband of more than twenty-five years and two beautiful sons, aka the Mighty, Mighty Jones Boys.
First Grave on the Right
$4.29 - $10.83
Second Grave on the Left
$5.99 - $19.55
Third Grave Dead Ahead
$6.19 - $20.18
The Dirt on Ninth Grave
$7.79 - $18.28
Seventh Grave and No Body
$6.39 - $16.64
Eleventh Grave in Moonlight
$7.89 - $18.91
Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet
$7.09 - $44.49
Fifth Grave Past the Light
$7.69 - $18.28
The Trouble with Twelfth Grave
$6.39 - $17.64
The Curse of Tenth Grave
$6.09 - $20.18
Sixth Grave on the Edge
$6.09 - $17.64
Eighth Grave After Dark
$7.79 - $17.64
Summoned to Thirteenth Grave
$7.09 - $9.59
A Bad Day for Sunshine
$5.29 - $27.36
A Hard Day for a Hangover
$6.49 - $43.76
A Good Day for Chardonnay
$6.79 - $25.99
Death and the Girl Next Door
$4.59 - $15.11
$10.79 - $15.24
Death, Doom and Detention
$5.29 - $15.74
Death, and the Girl He Loves
$4.29 - $15.74
The Graveyard Shift
$7.19 - $12.18
Bewitched: A Paranormal Women's Fiction Novel
The Graveside Bar and Grill: A Charley Davidson Novella
Out of Stock
The Grave Robber: A Charley Davidson Novella
Moonlight and Magic
The Gravedigger's Son: A Charley Davidson Novella
Out of Stock
A Lovely Drop: A Story of the NeverNeath
Out of Stock
Infinity: A Suspense Magazine Anthology
Fire of the Frost: A midwinter holiday fantasy romance anthology