- The Complete Cat's Meow: Everything You Need to Know about Caring for Your Cat
- The Irrepressible Toy Dog
- Small Dogs, Big Hearts: A Guide to Caring for Your Little Dog , Revised Edition
- The Angell Memorial Animal Hospital Book of Wellness and Preventive Care for Dogs
- Rover, Get off Her Leg!: Pet Etiquette for the Dog Who Pees on Your Rug, Steals the Pot Roast and Poops in Improper Places
- Garry Mitchell
- Ronald T.D. Emond
- Alfa-Betty Olsen
- Brian J.L. Berry
- Roxy
- Sylvia Stoddard
- Timothy N. Hornyak
- Aimee Houser
- Ron W. Marr
- Kathleen A. Lipinski
- Byron J. Finch
- Arnold E. Grummer
- Robert A. Lipinski
- William M. Hancock
- Richard C. Linger
- Judith Landau-Stanton
- Michael C. Newman
- Richard J. Gross
- Mark Wolverton
- John E. Cronan Jr.