Dan Gutman
#1 in Baseball
#9 in Chapter Books
#11 in Sports & Outdoors
#20 in Soccer
#24 in Basketball
When he was a kid, Dan Gutman always did his homework. That's how he grew up to write cool books such as The Kid Who Ran for President, Honus & Me, The Million Dollar Shot, Race for the Sky, and The Edison Mystery: Qwerty Stevens, Back in Time. If you want to learn more about Dan or his books, stop by his Web site: www.dangutman.com.
But first do your homework.
#1 in Baseball
#9 in Chapter Books
#11 in Sports & Outdoors
#20 in Soccer
#24 in Basketball
Half-Minute Horrors
$4.79 - $9.99
Miss Daisy Is Crazy!
$3.59 - $30.29
Mission Unstoppable
$4.89 - $14.47
The Homework Machine
$3.59 - $15.74
Honus & Me
$4.19 - $19.69
Babe & Me
$4.59 - $13.28
Shoeless Joe & Me (A Baseball Card Adventure #4)
$3.69 - $11.19
Never Say Genius
$4.69 - $9.99
The Million Dollar Shot (The Million Dollar Series #1)
$4.89 - $15.37
Jackie & Me (A Baseball Card Adventure #2)
$4.89 - $9.99
My Weird School Special: Bummer in the Summer!: The My Weird School Series
$5.19 - $7.77
The Lincoln Project
$3.89 - $14.28
My Weird School: #1-4 [Collection]
$8.19 - $20.49
Nightmare at the Book Fair
$3.69 - $8.39
You Only Die Twice
$3.69 - $14.47
Mickey & Me (A Baseball Card Adventures #5)
$4.79 - $9.59
License to Thrill
$4.79 - $13.28
Miss Holly Is Too Jolly!
$4.79 - $15.37
Mr. Sunny Is Funny! (My Weird School Daze #2)
$4.19 - $23.19
Mr. Klutz Is Nuts!
$4.49 - $16.23
From Texas with Love
$4.99 - $9.99
Satch & Me (A Baseball Card Adventure #7)
$4.89 - $15.89
Coach Hyatt Is a Riot! (My Weird School Daze #4)
$4.19 - $7.16
Willie & Me
$5.19 - $13.28
Miss Small Is Off the Wall!
$4.69 - $14.01
The Titanic Mission
$4.59 - $13.28
Roberto & Me
$4.29 - $8.39
The Sports Pages
$4.69 - $7.77
It's Halloween, I'm Turning Green!
$4.99 - $10.69
Deck the Halls, We're Off the Walls!
$4.99 - $17.94