- Davy Crockett's almanack of wild sports of the West, and life in the backwoods: calculated for all the states in the Union Volume 1839
- The Crockett Almanac: Containing Sprees and Scrapes in the West; Life and Manners in the Backwoods, and Exploits and Adventures on the Praries Volume 1842
- Davy Crockett's Almanack of Wild Sports of the West, and Life in the Backwoods: Calculated for All the States in the Union; Volume 1841
- Davy Crockett's Almanack of Wild Sports of the West, and Life in the Backwoods: Calculated for All the States in the Union Volume 1840
- The Crockett Almanac: Containing Sprees and Scrapes in the West; Life and Manners in the Backwoods, and Exploits and Adventures on the Praries Volume 1847