- Raising happiness
- The Sweet Spot: How to Find Your Groove at Home and Work
- The New Adolescence: Raising Happy and Successful Teens in an Age of Anxiety and Distraction
- Weight-Loss Hero: Transform Your Mind and Your Body with a Healthy Keto Lifestyle
- Help and Hope While You're Healing: A Woman's Guide Toward Wellness While Recovering from Injury, Surgery, or Illness
- Lisa Wojna
- Carrie Goldman
- Sharron Krull
- Robert Shorrock
- Nancy Mattson
- Russell Wangersky
- Deborah Carpenter
- Winter Desiree Prosapio
- Virginia M. Shiller
- Hu
- Dan T. Davis
- Rachel Waterstone
- Amy Tiemann
- Bonnie Matthews
- Duct Tape Guys
- Loretta E. Kaufman
- Rajmohan Gandhi
- Arlene Sundquist Empie
- Stephen Schmitz
- Mary W. Quigley