- Lies We Live By : Defeating Doubletalk and Deception in Advertising, Politics, and the Media
- Modern Radio and Audio Production: Programming and Performance
- Modern Radio Production: Production Programming & Performance (Wadsworth Series in Broadcast and Production)
- Radio Station Operations: Management and Employee Perspectives (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication)
- Crisis of Conscience: Perspectives on Journalism Ethics
- Dennis P. Curtin
- Fritz Messere
- Will McDonald
- Lewis B. O'Donnell
- Philip Benoit
- Frank Messere
- Douglas Labier
- Patrick B. McGrath
- Marcia B. Dugan
- Joan Goldstein
- Holly Wallace
- Steven Bernstein
- Ted White
- Susan V. Rezen
- Catharine Dowda
- Kenneth C. Creech
- Bob Darroch
- Anne Dickson
- inc Morgan & Morgan
- Donald W. Connelly