On July 20, 1969, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong made their historic Apollo 11 moon walk and became the first two humans to set foot on another world. This unprecedented heroic endeavor was witnessed by the largest worldwide television audience in history. Upon returning from the moon, Dr. Aldrin embarked on an international goodwill tour and was presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, among more than fifty distinguished awards and medals from numerous countries.
Reaching for the Moon
$4.19 - $11.59
Magnificent Desolation: The Long Journey Home from the Moon
$6.89 - $14.59
National Geographic Encyclopedia of Space (National Geographic)
$6.09 - $6.39
Look to the Stars
$4.69 - $14.94
View from Above: An Astronaut Photographs the World
$9.39 - $10.69
No Dream Is Too High: Life Lessons From a Man Who Walked on the Moon
$4.69 - $16.35
Welcome to Mars: Making a Home on the Red Planet
$4.99 - $14.94
Return to Earth
$7.89 - $27.39
Men from Earth
$5.29 - $5.99
To the Moon and Back: My Apollo 11 Adventure
$6.69 - $23.31
Encounter with Tiber
$4.99 - $7.59
Our World in Space
$5.29 - $6.19
The Return
$5.09 - $15.74
Beyond Flagpoles and Footprints: Pioneering the Space Frontier
World Changing Ideas
One Small Step: 40th Anniversary of the Race to the Moon
America's Astronauts and Their Indestructible Spirit
The Wright Stuff: The Century of Effort Behind Your Ticket to Space
Space Careers
$6.09 - $16.39
Tom Sachs: Space Program
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Destination Mars
Where Were You When...?: Remembering 180 Extraordinary Events: Unforgettable Moments That Have Shaped Our World
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The Everyday Space Traveler: Discover 9 Life-Affirming Insights into the Wonders of Inner and Outer Space
$17.79 - $18.19
Paper Astronaut: The Paper Spacecraft Mission Manual