- The Art of the Fishing Fly
- The Orvis Guide to Great Sporting Lodge Cuisine
- Stacking the Deck: The Streaming of Working-Class Kids in Ontario Schools (Our Schools Series)
- The Politics of Population: State Formation, Statistics, and the Census of Canada, 1840-1875
- Peggy Fleming: Portrait of an Iceskater (An Avon Camelot Book)
- Christine Farina
- Courtney Clark
- Courtney A. Clark
- Catherine Emihovich
- Inside Cheerleading
- Donald G. Holtgrieve
- William Blank
- Robin Barrow
- David T. Jones
- George Frederick Kneller
- Don Akenson
- Robert F. Hessong
- Williaam R. Hazaard
- Arthea J.S. Reed
- Jay Morelli
- Carol Wilton
- Gordon J Fielding
- Penney Clark
- Cindy Villarreal
- Verna E. Bergemann