- Emotionally Intelligent Parenting: How to Raise a Self-Disciplined, Responsible, Socially Skilled Child
- Raising Emotionally Intelligent Teenagers: Guiding the Way for Compassionate, Committed, Courageous Adults
- The Educator's Guide to Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement: Social-Emotional Learning in the Classroom
- Educar con inteligencia emocional
- iPad(TM): Enhancing Learning & Communication for Students with Special Needs
- Maurice J. Elias
- Steven E. Tobias
- Lee E. Isaacson
- Dave Matthews
- David Anderegg
- Stacie L. Bigelow
- Howard Figler
- Brenda Smith
- Joan Franklin Smutny
- Ana McGann
- John Marshall Townsend
- Alexandra Mayzler
- Lynn Chapman
- Shelly Berman
- Tracy F. Inman
- Phil Race
- Philip Manfield
- Donald J. Treffinger
- Peggy Simonsen
- Michael Sewell