- The Little Red Writing Book: 20 Powerful Principles of Structure, Style, & Readability
- The Little Blue Reasoning Book: 50 Powerful Principles for Clear and Effective Thinking
- The Little Green Math Book: 30 Powerful Principles for Building Math and Numeracy Skills
- Ace the GMAT
- The Little Gold Grammar Book
- Beverly Coyle
- Neil Oliver
- Margaret Wertheim
- Hattie Schroeder
- J. Peder Zane
- Dwight Joyce Ingle
- Swami Purna
- Mark Levi
- Creative Home Arts Club
- Mark Tredinnick
- Renata Rosso
- Eugene Francis Kaelin
- Kathleen Mark
- Gordon Leslie Squires
- Helen Dixon
- Richard A. Healey
- Alex Varanese
- Peter-Paul Koch
- Heather Koshiol
- D. McCloy