- Analytical Reading Inventory: Comprehensive Standards-Based Assessment for all Students including Gifted and Remedial (9th Edition)
- The Power of Picture Books in Teaching Math and Science
- Reader's Passages to Accompany Analytical Reading Inventory: Comprehensive Standards-Based Assessment for All Students Including Gifted and Talented
- Keystones For Reading Grade Three Student Edition
- Vibrant Learning: An Integrative Approach to Teaching Content Area Disciplines
- Larry McMurtry
- L.J. Smith
- Harry Lorayne
- Robert J. Marzano
- Larousse
- Brené Brown
- Jerry Lucas
- Carlos Castillo
- Will Henry
- Jeffry D. Wert
- Edwin Bucher Williams
- Suzanne LaFleur
- Charles A. Temple
- Diane E. Paynter
- Cris Tovani
- Jerry L. Johns
- Modern Curriculum Press
- Jean Wallace Gillet
- Mary Lynn Woods
- Otto Ferdinand Bond